Evidence Based Birth Childbirth Ed Online Class
Sun, Nov 28
Be empowered for your upcoming birth, with the best childbirth class out there!
Time & Location
Nov 28, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
About the event
Get empowered with a childbirth class you and a support person will LOVE! Start learning evidence-based info today!
When you take the Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class, you will:
Get mentored by your own Evidence Based Birth Instructor
Learn about evidence based care, comfort measures, and advocacy
Get prepared, get answers, get empowered
Your Childbirth Class includes:
Mentorship from Shanna Bradley, experienced EBB Instructor and Doula4- two hour virtual Zoom discussions Five weeks of online videos for you and your support person to watch together
BONUS: Breastfeeding and newborn care videos!
BONUS: Earn points throughout the class to redeem for prizes at the end!
A Message from your Evidence Based Birth® Instructor:
Congratulations, and welcome! I'm a Birth and Bereavement Doula, as well as a childbirth educator, and doula trainer. I'm so excited to be offering this class, as I think it's the best way to get informed and empowered for your upcoming birth! As a mother of 5, I have become passionate about all things birth, especially for those looking for a birth that they fell empowered through.
Ready to Get Empowered? Register for your Class Now!
Spots in each class are limited to 6 birthing people and their supporters (1 each). Do not wait to schedule!
What are the registration options? Choose the package that works best for you:
Standard Package: Includes 3-months access to the online portion of the class, spiral bound workbook, 4 virtual Zoom classes and 4 video chats with your class. Price is for birthing person plus 1 support person.
Inclusion Policy:
Evidence Based Birth® is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for pregnant persons of any age, religion, race, sexual identity, gender identity, or relationship status.
Global Birth Community celebrates diversity and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their skin-color, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Inclusive and trauma-informed language used.
Refund Policy: Your payment reserves a sport in the class and is non-refundable, but tickets are transferable with adequate notice and approval from Shanna your instructor.
Questions: Don't hesitate to e-mail me with questions at  jsbradley24@yahoo.com or text 260-249-3343